“Anna was fully and completely present throughout my entire labor and delivery”

From the moment that I called Anna while in labor she was there immediately and was fully and completely present throughout my entire labor and delivery. I ended up having to have a cesarean after going through 24 hours of active labor and she never left my side. She listened, she gave me space, and she encouraged me with words when needed and she told me the truth. I also would like to say that she gave great permission to my husband. I wasn’t sure how he would feel having her being apart of everything. However, she did a phenomenal job of standing in the background so that Ryan could take the lead when he wanted, and she seemed to know when to step in as was right. The thing that I remember most about Anna was her intentional presence. I knew she was watching me. I knew she was listening. I knew she was very attentive to everything that was going on and having her there made me feel so much better. I cannot recommend her highly enough. My first birth experience would not have been the same without her.

Anna and Ryan

“Not only was she attentive and sweet to me, but my family absolutely adored her”

Working with Anna was truly the best experience my husband and I could have imagined. Not only was she highly recommended to me, she really met and exceeded any expectations I had. We met for lunch around 32 weeks and immediately my husband and I agreed that we wanted to have her as our doula. This is our first child so one of the things that we liked best about Anna in that first meeting, is how she presented us thought provoking questions to help prepare us well ahead of time. Throughout, she presented information in a clear and loving manner to help me prepare (as best possible) for labor and delivery. She helped us create realistic birth wishes and, leading up to labor, answered all of my questions. She really became a friend to me.
We had planned on a water birth but at the hospital I ended up changing my mind. Though I was worried the team around me would be disappointed that I wasn't keeping to my original "wishes", Anna made it very clear that she and everyone else involved were proud of me and happy for me REGARDLESS of how I delivered. As my family came into town/the hospital, she worked with my husband to facilitate the type of interactions we had previously discussed. Not only was she attentive and sweet to me, but my family absolutely adored her. During delivery and the pushing phase, she kept my husband calm when the unexpected occurred and continued to actively encourage me throughout. Lastly, the day of, Anna kept a journal of everything... including sweet moments or funny things we did/said so we would always have those memories.
In her postpartum visit, Anna came to our house bearing gifts. We talked through the entire day of L&D, reminiscing, laughing and processing. It was also so special to see her hold our baby!! I really cannot say enough good things about Anna. It is undeniably evident that she deeply loves being a doula and is passionate about her work. I would never want to do this without her!

Cathryn and Brock

“She helped us re-center as we adapted to the new plan”

We simply cannot say enough good things about Anna Otaola.
Like so many first-time births, the arrival of our daughter did not go as planned; after an otherwise uneventful pregnancy, we suddenly found ourselves heading to the hospital for an urgently-needed induction. Our birth plan had vanished before our eyes, along with our sense of calm and sanity.
Anna did not miss a beat - she helped us re-center as we adapted to the new plan, and showed up at the hospital right on cue and ready to work. Her presence was both subtle and strong, as she provided ongoing encouragement and nuanced advice that allowed us, miraculously, to regain a feeling of teamwork and control. 
Our baby girl came quickly - and even as our heads were still spinning, we felt both proud and grateful for our birth experience thanks to Anna's sure and steady guidance. 
In addition to her support at our daughter's birth, Anna provided exceptional care to our family during our 2 prenatal and 1 postpartum visits. She helped us prepare for our daughter's arrival, develop a communication plan and practice pain management techniques that we employed during labor. During our postpartum visit, Anna guided us through some helpful reflection on our birth experience and even brought a basket of fun treats for mom, baby and dad to enjoy. 
We would recommend working with Anna as a doula without reservation, and will look forward to partnering with her again in the future as our family grows. 

Julia and Chris

“Anna brought strength and encouragement”

As our doula, Anna provided both me and my husband excellent support. She was calm and her presence brought strength and encouragement. She spoke truth and grace, as I struggled believing I could complete the tremendous challenge of birthing my son. I was so grateful to have her comforting eyes as a focal point, and her arms to hold my legs as I pushed. Anna took clues, had insight and helped guide me and the medical team as the birth of my son evolved differently from my plan. Due to a significant tear during the delivery requiring extensive repair, I was unable to remain with my husband and son after the delivery. She stayed with them both until I was back in room -- providing me peace, and my husband reassurance during my absence. I am so grateful for all she did for me and my family! 

Jessica and Brendan

“Anna was wonderful!”

Anna was wonderful! I really enjoyed my birthing experience and look back on it fondly. Leading up to the birth, Anna not only gave us lots of good info, but was also a great listener, learning about us and our preferences. When I had a doctor's appointment where I learned I would no longer qualify to birth in a birthing center, I sent her a message to let her know and express how disappointing that was. She called me back and gave me space to talk through the disappointment and then helped me think about how I could still create a birthing experience as close to what I had imagined. Anna was very present during the birth, she remembered my preferences, such as specific visualizations, and made sure to use those with me. She was very encouraging and helped with pain management and was responsive to what worked for me personally. The postpartum visit from Anna was very affirming. It was great to have someone to talk through the whirlwind of birth and the first few days with a newborn as first time parents. Anna also had taken some notes during the birth and shared those with me. I was really grateful to have those to add to my journal since the birth was an experience I wanted to treasure and remember.

Anne and Tan

“Anna’s serene, calming presence and careful listening were such a gift”

We are so grateful for Anna’s support before, during, and after the birth of our daughter. Anna’s serene, calming presence and careful listening were such a gift. She has always made me feel heard. My labor progressed faster than expected, so Anna met us at the hospital. It was kind of stressful transitioning from laboring at home to the more bureaucratic hospital space, but Anna helped make that transition as smooth as possible. Without me having to explain anything, Anna helped me continue using the coping strategies that had worked well for me at home. Her encouragement, guidance, and support were invaluable. The birth of our daughter was a very emotional experience for both my husband and me. Anna made the experience even more meaningful by helping us both feel more grounded and supported.

Sarah and Kevin

“Anna is compassionate, kind, loving, adaptable, sensitive, intuitive…”

I am so grateful my wife and I decided to have a doula for the birth of our son.

 My wife was apprehensive about a doula because, like many, our journey to becoming parents involved a lot of sorrow, so she wanted the delivery to be an intimate experience. I on the other hand thought a doula would be a great idea, but left it up to my wife to pursue if she decided. Thank goodness she did!

 Our doula started by getting to know us as individuals and as a couple. She asked thought provoking questions, provided insight into not just the delivery process, but how we might respond while in labor based on what she learned of us and how we interacted. As a wife, it was important to be very hands on and involved during labor, but I didn’t want to be stressed the months leading up having to research everything, let alone remember eighteen birthing positions, how long to let the umbilical cord pulsate or worse yet – researching something online in the moment. I wanted to be focused on my wife versus being the only one advocating for her & our family. And, to be honest, I was a little concerned about my own stamina if it turned into a long labor with back pain (which it did!).

 Our doula was present, attentive, kind, reassuring and loving. I still can’t quite comprehend how it felt so comfortable to have someone we barely knew involved in such an intimate way during such sacred and intimate moments. But it was, and we are so grateful to have had her there to provide support and encouragement to both of us.

 Our labor did not go as planned (but who’s really does?!) however when we reflect on the birth of our son we both have positive feelings associated with it and we remember feeling empowered every step of the way. The “feelings” we associate with our birth story were largely influenced by the support provided by our doula.

 While Anna was not our doula (CO to CA makes for a challenge), she does have many qualities and characteristics that I think would make her a wonderful doula. She’s compassionate, kind, loving, adaptable, sensitive, intuitive, assertive, can read social cues, is comfortable interacting with both men & women and she’s someone who will build on the connection you and your partner have to create a positive birthing experience.

 I highly recommend contacting Anna to see how she can support you in your own birthing experience.

— Nicole and Sara

Wholeheartedly Recommend”

Looking back, it’s hard to imagine our daughter being born without our doula’s involvement. As first-time parents eager to explore our birthing options, we decided early on that we wanted to have a doula in the picture. We found our doula through word of mouth, met over coffee, and instantly felt comfortable. She encouraged us to write a birth plan, led our pre-birth prep classes, and helped us prepare for the intense experience of having a child.

When my wife went into labor at 4 am, and our doula picked up the phone on the first ring, ready to provide support. She came to our home, assisted through the early stages of labor, and advised us on when it was appropriate to head to the birthing center. There, she proved priceless: both as a liaison between us and our birthing team and as an informed, hands-on, supportive presence for my wife. As it became clear that our original birthing plan was not going to unfold as anticipated, she provided critical, clear-headed insight about our options moving forward, all while respecting our wishes and allowing us to have the final say on all the important decisions.

Once we decided to transfer to the hospital, our doula facilitated all sorts of communication, including transportation details and helping to inform our new birthing team of our original birth plan as well as our wishes moving forward. It ultimately became clear that my wife needed to have a c-section, and our doula was there with us every step of the way.

She also followed up with two post-op home visits to check on our status, provide invaluable  breastfeeding advice, and generally make sure everyone was ok. Both my wife and I felt she was worth her weight in gold and wholeheartedly recommend anyone about to embark on the crazy journey of childbirth consider bringing a doula along for the ride. 

— Makenna and Peter

I am so grateful for all she did for me and my family!