Ezer Birth Doula Services Include

I am happy to offer a complimentary meet and greet with all potential clients. Once you have selected me to be your doula, the basic package of services include:

  • Prenatals

    • 1-2 Prenatal visits at your home (90minutes) between you, your partner, and Anna. We will discuss:

      1. Birth preferences

      2. Desires, and vision for your labor and birth

      3. Comfort and coping techniques and prenatal exercises

      4. Sharing of resources (postpartum doula, lactation support, chiropractor, etc)

      5. Make a plan for how and when I will join you during labor.

    • Unlimited text and email support

    • 24/7 on-call availability 2 weeks leading up to and following your due date

  • Birth Support

    • Continuous emotional and physical support throughout duration of labor for you and your birth partner (if applicable)

    • Advocacy and support in communicating with medical providers that honors and respects your desired birth plan

    • Use of a TENS unit throughout labor

    • One to two hours of immediate postpartum support

    • Photography (as desired)

  • Postpartum

    • Following the arrival of your baby, I offer a 60-90 minute visit at your home. During this visit, I look forward to:

      1. Listening and discussing your Birth Story

      2. Offering postpartum resources and support as needed

      3. I will happily provide tips on bonding with your baby, lactation, baby wearing, nutrition and more

Additional Services

  • Placenta Encapsulation

    • As a placenta encapsulation specialist, I offer the additional service of preparing and encapsulating your placenta, if desired. As for more information regarding the benefits of consuming your placenta during your postpartum journey, as well as what goes into the encapsulation process.

Your Investment:
Total investment for Birth Doula services is $1500*
$750 deposit due when you select me as your doula. Until I receive your deposit I cannot hold your due date, nor provide text/email support
$750 remainder due by two weeks prior to estimated due date
Total investment for Placenta Encapsulation is $250

*I have a fund set up to help cover the cost of my services for clients who cannot pay the entire investment. If you would like to pay a little extra, that money will be added to the fund and “paid forward” to future clients who deeply desire birth support.
*I also provide discounted rates to birthing people who have already delivered a baby and would like:
- 1 prenatal visit, labor support, and postpartum visit:
- labor support and postpartum visit only:
*I believe all birthing people would benefit from the services of a doula. I truly value the positive benefits of doula care, and do not want financial need to make those services inaccessible to birthing people who desire them. Please let me know if you would like to have a discussion about fee accessibility.